
Interactive backends such as GLMakie and WGLMakie pass events to an Events struct in the currently active scene. There they trigger a number of slightly modified observables of type PriorityObservable. By reacting to those one can build up custom interactions.


Much like the name suggests a PriorityObservable adds a priority to its listeners. Furthermore it allows for each listener to stop execution of lower priority listeners by returning Consume(true) or simply Consume(). Every other return value will be handled as Consume(false) meaning that the listener does not block other listeners.

To understand how a PriorityObserable works you may try this example:

using Makie: PriorityObservable

po = PriorityObservable(0)

on(po, priority = -1) do x
    println("Low priority: $x")
po[] = 1

on(po, priority = 0) do x
    println("Medium blocking priority: $x")
    return Consume()
po[] = 2

on(po, priority = 1) do x
    println("High Priority: $x")
    return Consume(false)
po[] = 3

With only the first listener connected you should see Low priority: 1 getting printed. With the second you should only see a reaction from the medium priority listener, as it blocks execution of the lower priority by returning Consume(). With all three connected you should see two prints, first the high priority, than the medium priority.

The Events struct

Events from the backend are stored in PriorityObservables within the Events struct. You can access it from any scene via events(scene) and via events(figure.scene) or events(axis.scene) from a figure or axis. The struct contains the following fields you may react to.

  • window_area::PriorityObservable{Rect2i}: Contains the current size of the window in pixels.

  • window_dpi::PriorityObservable{Float64}: Contains the DPI of the window.

  • window_open::PriorityObservable{Bool}: Contains true as long as the window is open.

  • hasfocus::PriorityObservable{Bool}: Contains true if the window is focused (in the foreground).

  • entered_window::PriorityObservable{Bool}: Contains true if the mouse is within the window (regarless of whether it is focused), i.e. when it is hovered.

  • mousebutton::PriorityObservable{MouseButtonEvent}: Contains the most recent MouseButtonEvent which holds the relevant button::Mouse.Button and action::Mouse.Action.

  • mousebuttonstate::Set{Mouse.Button}: Contains all currently pressed mouse buttons.

  • mouseposition::PriorityObservable{NTuple{2, Float64}}: Contains the most recent cursor position in pixel units relative to the root scene/window.

  • scroll::PriorityObservable{NTuple{2, Float64}}: Contains the most recent scroll offset.

  • keyboardbutton::PriorityObservable{KeyEvent}: Contains the most recent KeyEvent which holds the relevant key::Keyboard.Button and action::Keyboard.Action.

  • keyboardstate::PriorityObservable{Keyboard.Button}: Contains all currently pressed keys.

  • unicode_input::PriorityObservable{Char}: Contains the most recently typed character.

  • dropped_files::PriorityObservable{Vector{String}}: Contains a list of filepaths to a collection files dragged into the window.

Mouse Interaction

There are three mouse events one can react to:

  • events.mousebutton which holds a MouseButtonEvent with relevant button and action

  • events.mouseposition which holds the current cursor position relative to the window as NTuple{2, Float64} in pixel

  • events.scroll which holds an NTuple{2, Float64} of the last scroll change

For example, we can react to a left click with:

on(events(fig).mousebutton, priority = 0) do event
    if event.button == Mouse.left
        if event.action ==
            # do something
            # do something else when the mouse button is released
    # Do not consume the event
    return Consume(false)

There are also a bunch of convenience function for mouse interactions:

  • hovered_scene() returns the currently hovered scene.

  • mouseposition_px([scene]) returns the cursor position in pixel units relative to the given or currently hovered scene.

  • mouseposition([scene]) returns the cursor position of the given or hovered scene in data coordinates.

  • mouseover(scene, plots...) returns true if the mouse is over any of the given plots.

  • mouse_selection(scene[, range]) returns the plot under your cursor.

  • onpick(f, scene, plots...[; range=1]) allows you to define a callback f when one of the given plots is hovered (or the closest within range of the cursor).

  • pick(scene, position[, range]) returns the plot under the given position (or the closest within range)

  • Makie.pick_closest(scene, position, range) returns all plots within range, sorted by distance to the given position.

Keyboard Interaction

You can use events.keyboardbutton to react to a KeyEvent and events.unicode_input to react to specific characters being typed.

For example we may react to specific keys being pressed or held with

on(events(fig).keyboardbutton) do event
    if event.action in (, Keyboard.repeat)
        event.key == Keyboard.left   && move_left()
        event.key == Keyboard.up     && move_up()
        event.key == Keyboard.right  && move_right()
        event.key == Keyboard.down   && move_down()
    # Let the event reach other listeners
    return Consume(false)

Interactive Widgets

Makie has a couple of useful interactive widgets like sliders, buttons and menus, which you can read about in the Layoutables section.

Recording Animations with Interactions

You can record a Scene while you're interacting with it. Just use the record function (also see the Animations page) and allow interaction by sleeping in the loop.

In this example, we sample from the Scene scene for 10 seconds, at a rate of 10 frames per second.

fps = 10
record(scene, "test.mp4"; framerate = fps) do io
    for i = 1:100