Hist & Bar plots

Histograms and Bar plots


The relevant commands here are

The general syntax is:

bar(data_to_plot...; options...)

Data formats

For bars, the situation is pretty much identical as for line and scatter plots (see here) with the exception of an implicit function (not allowed for bar or hist).

For instance:

data = [1 2; 1 2; 5 7; 2 3]

For histograms, one difference is that they can only be drawn one at the time so that the syntax is always hist(x; opts...) where x is a vector:

For instance:

data = exp.(randn(200)/5)
hist(data; nbins=20)

Styling options

General histogram options

data = randn(100)
hist(data; horiz=true)

"none" or "count"number of entries in a range
"pdf"area covered by the bins equals one
"prob" or "probability"count divided by the overall number of entries

If you want to add a probability density function plot on top of a histogram, pdf is usually the scaling you will want.

x = randn(500)
hist(x; nbins=50, scaling="pdf")
plot!(x -> exp(-x^2/2)/sqrt(2π), -3, 3)

General bar options

# percentages
data = [30 40 30; 50 25 25; 30 30 40; 10 50 40]
# cumulative sum so that columns increase
data_cs = cumsum(data; dims=2)
bar(data_cs; stacked=true, fills=["midnightblue", "lightseagreen", "lightsalmon"])

data = [10, 50, 30]
bar(data; width=1, fill="hotpink")

Bar style options (Bar and Histogram)

Both histograms and bars share styling options for the style of the bars (essentially: their edge and fill colour). Note that since bars can be drawn in groups, each option can take a vector of values corresponding to the number of bars drawn. If a single value is passed, all bars will share that option value.

hist(randn(100); col="powderblue")

hist(randn(100); ecol="red", fill="wheat")


Missing, Inf or NaN values

Modifying the underlying data

The same comment as the one made in line and scatter plots holds for in-place modification of the data.