Fill between lines

Fill between lines


The relevant commands here are

and the syntax is:

command(x, y1, y2; options...)


For instance:

x = range(0, stop=π, length=100)
y1 = 0
y2 = @. cos(5x)*exp(-x)
plot(x, y2, lw=0.05)
fill_between!(x, y1, y2, fill="aliceblue")
xlim(0, π)

Styling options

x = range(0, stop=π, length=100)
y1 = 0
y2 = @. cos(5x)*exp(-x)
plot(x, y2, lw=0.05)
fill_between!(x, y1, y2, fill="salmon", from=π/5, to=3π/5)
xlim(0, π)

x = range(0, stop=1, length=100)
y = x.^2
fill_between(x, y, x; color="orchid", alpha=0.2)
fill_between!(x, 0.5, 0.6; from=0.4, to=0.9, alpha=0.2)
style = (color="darkslategray", ls="--", lw=0.01)
hline(0.5; style...)
hline(0.6; style...)
vline(0.4; style...)
vline(0.9; style...)