
Public Documentation

Documentation for GPlot.jl's public interface.

See Internal Documentation for internal package docs.





Figure(id; opts...)

Return a new Figure object with name id, if a figure with that name exists already, return that object.

Named options:

  • size: a tuple (width, height) (for rendering prefer sizes ≥ (8, 8) see also fontsize recommendations)
  • font: a valid font name (note that if you use latex, this is irrelevant)
  • fontsize: the master font size of the figure in pt (for rendering, prefer fontsizes ≥ 10pt)
  • col, color: the master font color of the figure (any Colors.Colorant can be used)
  • tex, hastex, latex, haslatex: a boolean indicating whether there is LaTeX to be compiled in the figure
  • texscale: either fixed, none or scale to match the size of LaTeX expressions to the ambient fontsize (fixed and scale match, none doesn't)
  • preamble, texpreamble: the LaTeX preamble, where you can change the font that is used and also make sure that the symbols you want to use are available.
  • alpha, transparent, transparency: a bool indicating whether there may be transparent fillings in which case cairo is used

Other options (internal use mostly):

  • reset: a bool, if true will erase the figure if it exists (instead of just returning it).
  • _noreset: internal to indicate that if the figure has no name and is called whether a new one

should be sent or not (for the user: yes, internally: sometimes not as we want to retrieve properties)
