Public Interface

Documentation for LiveServer.jl's exported functions

serve(filewatcher; ...)

Main function to start a server at http://host:port and render what is in the current directory. (See also example for an example folder).


  • filewatcher: a file watcher implementing the API described for SimpleWatcher (which also is the default) messaging the viewers (via WebSockets) upon detecting file changes.
  • port: integer
  • dir: string specifying where to launch the server if not the current working directory.
  • debug: bolean switch to make the server print debug messages.
  • verbose: boolean switch to make the server print information about file changes and connections.
  • coreloopfun: function which can be run every 0.1 second while the server is running; it takes two arguments: the cycle counter and the filewatcher. By default the coreloop does nothing.
  • launch_browser: boolean specifying whether to launch the ambient browser at the localhost or not (default: false).

allow_cors: boolean allowing cross origin (CORS) requests to access the server via the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header. preprocess_request: function specifying the transformation of a request before it is returned; its only argument is the current request.


julia LiveServer.example() serve(host="", port=8080, dir="example", launch_browser=true)

You should then see the index.html page from the example folder being rendered. If you change the file, the browser will automatically reload the page and show the changes.

servedocs(; kwargs...)

Can be used when developing a package to run the docs/make.jl file from Documenter.jl and then serve the docs/build folder with LiveServer.jl. This function assumes you are in the directory [MyPackage].jl with a subfolder docs.

Keyword Arguments

  • verbose=false: boolean switch to make the server print information about file changes and connections.
  • doc_env=false: a boolean switch to make the server start by activating the

doc environment or not (i.e. the Project.toml in docs/).

  • literate=nothing: see literate_dir.
  • literate_dir=nothing: Path to a directory containing Literate scripts if these are not simply under docs/src. See also the docs for information about how to work with Literate.
  • skip_dir="": a path starting with docs/ where modifications should not trigger the generation of the docs, this is useful for instance if you're using Weave and Weave generates some files in docs/src/examples in which case you should set skip_dir=joinpath("docs","src","examples").
  • skip_dirs=[]: same as skip_dir but for a list of such dirs. Takes precedence over skip_dir.
  • skip_files=[]: a vector of files that should not trigger regeneration.
  • include_dirs=[]: extra source directories to watch (in addition to joinpath(foldername, "src")).
  • include_files=[]: extra source files to watch. Takes precedence over skip_dirs so can e.g. be used to track individual files in an otherwise skipped directory.
  • foldername="docs": specify a different path for the content.
  • buildfoldername="build": specify a different path for the build.
  • makejl="make.jl": path of the script generating the documentation relative to foldername.
  • host="": where the server will start.
  • port=8000: port number.
  • launch_browser=false: specifies whether to launch a browser at the localhost URL or not.