LiveServer + Literate

(Thanks to Fredrik Ekre and Benoit Pasquier for their input; a lot of this section is drawn from an early prototype suggested by Fredrik.)

You've likely already seen how LiveServer could be used along with Documenter to have live updating documentation (see servedocs if not).

It is also easy to use LiveServer with both Documenter and Literate.jl, a package for literate programming written by Fredrik Ekre that can convert julia script files into markdown. This can be particularly convenient for documentation pages with a lot of code examples.

There are mainly two steps

  1. have the make.jl file process the literate files to go from .jl to .md files,
  2. call servedocs with appropriate keywords.

The function LiveServer.servedocs_literate_example generates a directory which has the right structure that you can copy for your package. To experiment, do:

julia> using LiveServer
julia> LiveServer.servedocs_literate_example("test_dir")
julia> cd("test_dir")
julia> servedocs(literate_dir=joinpath("docs", "literate"))

if you then navigate to localhost:8000 you should end up with

if you modify test_dir/docs/literate/man/pg1.jl for instance writing f(4) it will be applied directly:

In the explanations below we assume you have defined

  • LITERATE_INPUT the directory where the literate files are,
  • LITERATE_OUTPUT the directory where the generated markdown files will be.

Having the make file call Literate

Here's a basic make.jl file which loops over the files in LITERATE_INPUT to generate files in LITERATE_OUTPUT

using Documenter, Literate


for (root, _, files) ∈ walkdir(LITERATE_INPUT), file ∈ files
    # ignore non julia files
    splitext(file)[2] == ".jl" || continue
    # full path to a literate script
    ipath = joinpath(root, file)
    # generated output path
    opath = splitdir(replace(ipath, LITERATE_INPUT=>LITERATE_OUTPUT))[1]
    # generate the markdown file calling Literate
    Literate.markdown(ipath, opath)


Calling servedocs with the right arguments

LiveServer.servedocs needs to know two things to work with literate scripts properly:

  • where the scripts are
  • where the generated files will be

it can make assumptions for some basic cases but, in general, you'll have to provide both.

Doing so improperly may lead to an infinite loop where:

  • the first make.jl call generates markdown files with Literate
  • these generated markdown files themselves trigger make.jl
  • (infinite loop)

To avoid this, you must generally call servedocs as follows when working with literate files:

    literate_dir = LITERATE_INPUT,
    skip_dir = LITERATE_OUTPUT


  • literate_dir is the parent directory of the literate scripts, and
  • skip_dir is the parent directory where the generated markdown files are placed.

Special cases:

  • if the literate scripts are located in docs/src you can just specify literate_dir="",
  • if the literate scripts are generated with in docs/src with the exact same relative path, you do not need to specify skip_dir.


In the examples below, the file literate_script.jl represents a Literate script and represents the markdown file generated by Literate. What matters here is where these files are with respect to one another and with respect to docs/src.

Example 1

└── src
    ├── literate_script.jl

in this case we can simply call



  1. the literate scripts are under docs/src (and so are watched by default),
  2. the generated markdown files have exactly the same relative path (so there's no need to specify where the literate files are placed, this is implicit).

Example 2

├── literate
│   └── literate_script.jl
└── src

in this case we can call

    literate=joinpath("docs", "literate")


  1. the literate scripts are under a dedicated folder that is not under docs/src and so must also be watched for changes,
  2. the generated markdown files have exactly the same relative path.

Example 3

├── literate
│   └── literate_script.jl
└── src
    └── generated

in this case we can call

    literate=joinpath("foo", "literate"),
    skip_dir=joinpath("docs", "src", "generated")


  1. the literate scripts are under a dedicated folder,
  2. the generated markdown files do not have exactly the same relative path (since there is the added generated in the path).