Introducing: oneAPI.jl
Tim Besard
The initial version of this package, v0.1, consists of three key components:
wrappers for the oneAPI Level Zero interfaces;
a compiler for Julia source code to SPIR-V IR;
and an array interface for convenient data-parallel programming.
In this post, I'll briefly describe each of these. But first, some essentials.
oneAPI.jl is currently only supported on 64-bit Linux, using a sufficiently recent kernel, and requires Julia 1.5. Furthermore, it currently only supports a limited set of Intel GPUs: Gen9 (Skylake, Kaby Lake, Coffee Lake), Gen11 (Ice Lake), and Gen12 (Tiger Lake).
If your Intel CPU has an integrated GPU supported by oneAPI, you can just go ahead and install the oneAPI.jl package:
pkg> add oneAPI
That's right, no additional drivers required! oneAPI.jl ships its own copy of the Intel Compute Runtime, which works out of the box on any (sufficiently recent) Linux kernel. The initial download, powered by Julia's artifact subsystem, might take a while to complete. After that, you can import the package and start using its functionality:
julia> using oneAPI
julia> oneAPI.versioninfo()
Binary dependencies:
- NEO_jll: 20.42.18209+0
- libigc_jll: 1.0.5186+0
- gmmlib_jll: 20.3.2+0
- SPIRV_LLVM_Translator_jll: 9.0.0+1
- SPIRV_Tools_jll: 2020.2.0+1
- Julia: 1.5.2
- LLVM: 9.0.1
1 driver:
- 00007fee-06cb-0a10-1642-ca9f01000000 (v1.0.0, API v1.0.0)
1 device:
- Intel(R) Graphics Gen9
The oneArray
Similar to CUDA.jl's CuArray
type, oneAPI.jl provides an array abstraction that you can use to easily perform data parallel operations on your GPU:
julia> a = oneArray(zeros(2,3))
2×3 oneArray{Float64,2}:
0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
julia> a .+ 1
2×3 oneArray{Float64,2}:
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
julia> sum(ans; dims=2)
2×1 oneArray{Float64,2}:
This functionality builds on the GPUArrays.jl package, which means that a lot of operations are supported out of the box. Some are still missing, of course, and we haven't carefully optimized for performance either.
Kernel programming
The above array operations are made possible by a compiler that transforms Julia source code into SPIR-V IR for use with oneAPI. Most of this work is part of GPUCompiler.jl. In oneAPI.jl, we use this compiler to provide a kernel programming model:
julia> function vadd(a, b, c)
i = get_global_id()
@inbounds c[i] = a[i] + b[i]
julia> a = oneArray(rand(10));
julia> b = oneArray(rand(10));
julia> c = similar(a);
julia> @oneapi items=10 vadd(a, b, c)
julia> @test Array(a) .+ Array(b) == Array(c)
Test Passed
Again, the @oneapi
macro resembles @cuda
from CUDA.jl. One of the differences with the CUDA stack is that we use OpenCL-style built-ins, like get_global_id
instead of threadIdx
and barrier
instead of sync_threads
. Other familiar functionality, e.g. to reflect on the compiler, is available as well:
julia> @device_code_spirv @oneapi vadd(a, b, c)
; CompilerJob of kernel vadd(oneDeviceArray{Float64,1,1},
; oneDeviceArray{Float64,1,1},
; oneDeviceArray{Float64,1,1})
; for GPUCompiler.SPIRVCompilerTarget
; Version: 1.0
; Generator: Khronos LLVM/SPIR-V Translator; 14
; Bound: 46
; Schema: 0
OpCapability Addresses
OpCapability Linkage
OpCapability Kernel
OpCapability Float64
OpCapability Int64
OpCapability Int8
%1 = OpExtInstImport "OpenCL.std"
OpMemoryModel Physical64 OpenCL
OpEntryPoint Kernel
Level Zero wrappers
To interface with the oneAPI driver, we use the Level Zero API. Wrappers for this API is available under the oneL0
submodule of oneAPI.jl:
julia> using oneAPI.oneL0
julia> drv = first(drivers())
ZeDriver(00000000-0000-0000-1642-ca9f01000000, version 1.0.0)
julia> dev = first(devices(drv))
ZeDevice(GPU, vendor 0x8086, device 0x1912): Intel(R) Graphics Gen9
This is a low-level interface, and importing this submodule should not be required for the vast majority of users. It is only useful when you want to perform very specific operations, like submitting an certain operations to the command queue, working with events, etc. In that case, you should refer to the upstream specification; The wrappers in the oneL0
module closely mimic the C APIs.
Version 0.1 of oneAPI.jl forms a solid base for future oneAPI developments in Julia. Thanks to the continued effort of generalizing the Julia GPU support in packages like GPUArrays.jl and GPUCompiler.jl, this initial version is already much more usable than early versions of CUDA.jl or AMDGPU.jl ever were.
That said, there are crucial parts missing. For one, oneAPI.jl does not integrate with any of the vendor libraries like oneMKL or oneDNN. That means several important operations, e.g. matrix-matrix multiplication, will be slow. Hardware support is also limited, and the package currently only works on Linux.
If you want to contribute to oneAPI.jl, or run into problems, check out the GitHub repository at JuliaGPU/oneAPI.jl. For questions, please use the Julia Discourse forum under the GPU domain and/or in the #gpu channel of the Julia Slack.