Building websites with Franklin

Franklin.jl is a simple, customisable, static site generator with a focus on technical blogging.

Key features

click on the '✓' sign to know more

  • Based on common Markdown syntax,
  • Multiple extensions to the base Markdown syntax such as the possibility to define LaTeX-like commands or the inclusion of div-blocks,
  • Maths rendered via KaTeX, code via highlight.js both can be pre-rendered,
  • Can live-evaluate Julia code blocks,
  • Simple publication step to deploy the website

Quick start

To install Franklin with Julia β‰₯ 1.5, in a Julia REPL do

  • hit ] to enter package mode,
  • write add Franklin FranklinTemplates and press enter.

You can then just try it out:

julia> using FranklinTemplates: newsite
julia> using Franklin: serve
julia> newsite("mySite", template="pure-sm")
βœ“ Website folder generated at "mySite" (now the current directory).
β†’ Use serve() from Franklin to see the website in your browser.

julia> serve()
βœ“ LiveServer listening on http://localhost:8000/ ...
  (use CTRL+C to shut down)

If you navigate to that URL in your browser, you will see the website. If you then open mySite/ in an editor and modify it at will, the changes will be live-rendered in your browser.

Read more in Getting Started.

Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.