Franklin syntax sandbox

This page is meant as a sandbox for Franklin Syntax so that you can quickly practice or experience things.


Write whatever you want here to practice Franklin Syntax:

using LinearAlgebra, Random
a, b = randn(50), randn(50)
println(dot(a, b))
println(sum(ai * bi for (ai, bi) ∈ zip(a, b)))

(yet another example that floating point arithmetics can be complicated).

xR:x,x0 \forall x \in \mathbb R:\quad \langle x, x \rangle \ge 0

Surely some people remember the ordering, but I always forget:

φ(E[X])E[φ(X)] \varphi(\mathbb E[X]) \le \mathbb E[\varphi(X)]

for φ\varphi convex.

CC BY-SA 4.0 The Oracle. Last modified: September 13, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.